Thursday, 20 March 2014

Enter The Konami Code Into Google Voice Search For A new Fun Easter Egg - Android Headlines - Android News


We all love Google's quirky easter eggs. They hide them sometimes in the most unlikely of places, and sometimes the results of what we find bring us unlimited amounts of joy and a goofy smile for the rest of the day, or perhaps just a few minutes. Since the inception of Google Now, Google has inserted a number voice activated easter eggs into the voice search function of the feature, and they have been adding them gradually over time to allow more tiny bits of enjoyment if you need a little one minute escape from the dregs of your mundane daily tasks. Some of the greatest ones include the barrel roll easter egg, and other fun ones like the Dr. Who easter egg which we suppose only appeals to those of the community that are fans of Dr. Who. There are tons more that are plenty of fun as well though.

A new easter egg that has popped up for use with the Google Voice Search is arguably the best one, this is of course coming from a gamer who might find it a bit more exciting and fun than others out there who are unfamiliar with the history behind it. The new easter egg for voice search lets you enter the Konami Code, which in turn gives you the response of Cheat Mode Unlocked, Unlimited Free Google Searches. Google themselves seem to have a soft spot for the konami Code easter egg, as they previously inserted it into the Google Play Games app, where if you entered the code as a series of swipes within the app, you were presented with the A,B,Start buttons to finish the code, and then rewarded with an achievement of All Your Game Are Belong To Us.

As you know, Google Search is already free to use, and there is no limit to how many Google searches one could complete, so the easter egg actually doesn't unlock anything extra within Google Search, except for smiles and awesomeness. Now that you know about this awesome little easter egg treat, pull it up when you have a quick moment and impress your friends who haven't heard about it yet.

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Category: Android News

About Justin Diaz ()

Gadgets, games, design, great food and craft beer are some of my passions. I hail from the northwest and try to utilize the beautiful weather by biking anywhere I can. I have a deep passion for android and have been in the android game since the G1. When I'm not writing for the site, you can find me playing League Of Legends, or playing one of my many Steam games. You may even spot my girlfriend and I destroying a few Toad portals. No one likes slime. I currently use a Nexus 4, and both versions of the Nexus 7

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