Wednesday, 5 February 2014

'Look Back' with Facebook @10 - Business Standard

Google likes to doodle whenever it wants to commemorate an event, but has gone a step ahead and allowed its over 1 billion users to create their own video. 

As Facebook celebrates its 10th year it launched a tool called Look Back that allows users to create a personalized video or photo album that takes them through their journey on Facebook. 

The 62-second clip shows the year you joined, your first moments, the pictures you have shared and your most liked post. You can click on  and see your own video and share it on your page too. 
In an open letter on the 10th  anniversary wrote: " People often ask if I always knew that Facebook would become what it is today. No way. I remember getting pizza with my friends one night in college shortly after opening Facebook. I told them I was excited to help connect our school community, but one day someone needed to connect the whole world."

Well after 10 years, he has managed to connect 1.23 billion people across the globe. 

On the next 10 years, Zuckerberg said: "Today, only one-third of the world's population has access to the internet. In the next decade, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to connect the other two-thirds. Today, social networks are mostly about sharing moments. In the next decade, they'll also help you answer questions and solve complex problems."

via Technology - Google News


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