Saturday, 28 December 2013

Instagram Major Game Player in the App World for Windows Phone - Society and Religion


While I'm very happy to read Windows Phone 8 users finally are getting Instagram, I never personally thought the problem per se was Instagram alone. Perhaps just a high-profile symbol of the problem.

What I hope happens from here on, is that in an article where a major update to an app, say Vine, Twitter, Instagram is mentioned, I should scroll to the bottom and see links for the Windows Phone Marketplace, not just the Play Store and App Store. For example (and, I may be wrong here, hopefully), I hear Twitter's official Windows Phone 8 app still hasn't been updated to have filters and filter previews like the iOS and Android versions.

Or better yet, adverts of platforms and services with apps, should include the Windows Phone 8 version of the badges typically seen below:

google play apple store badges 280x144 Instagram Major Game Player in the App World for Windows Phone

Still, it's a great start and good news, for sure.

Written by OztheCreator

Instagram Is Not The Only Problem

You're cracked if you think 'Instagram' is the one problem people have with Windows Phone 8, or that the only people who bring it up must be "MS haters." Instagram is just a symptom of an ongoing trend where apps continue to skip Windows Phone entirely, or when they arrive, are far too late and everyone has moved on (Draw Something, Temple Run, etc). It's a problem even Android has, where the new, cool apps launch on iOS first with planned Android ports down the line, only magnified tenfold with Windows Phone 8. So, just shut up. Your needs are not everyone's needs, and understand that you're discounting other users' experiences and demands for the sake of a company.

Written by Strand0410

It was never about Instagram, or any major apps, its all about those little niche apps that are tremendously useful. Like apps for musicians..

ipad music apps 210x280 Instagram Major Game Player in the App World for Windows Phone

Everyone has its niche apps that are available on iOS but not on Windows RT or Windows Phone..

Instagram, welcome to 2010, you are only 3 years too late, most of us use VSCO Cam now anyways.

Written by Tomislav Rupic

While you're right, in a very condescending sort of way, you have to look at this more as a sign of the future. Instagram is a major game player in the app world, and if decides there is value in WP, many others will see it and follow. Understand that Windows Phone came later than iOS and Android, so it has had the least amount of time to mature. (Remember just two years when Android was the running joke? That changed rather quickly.) And Instagram is not alone, as many other apps were announced today, including Flipboard and Vine.

Whether or not any of this is relevant to you, today is proof that Windows Phone is moving forward.

Written by Dthawks27 in a reply to Tomislav Rupic


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