Samsung's new ad promoting its S Pen, which comes with a bunch of smartphones and tablets, is inviting ridicule and has gone viral on social networks after what seems to be a typo/misspelling made it on to a billboard in France. Advertising the power of its S Pen, Samsung changed the original adage "The pen is mightier than the sword" to "The pen is mightier than the finger." But what appears to be a small typo in a version of its billboard ad, which is believed to be put up in France, has given an entirely different meaning.
The ad in question reads, "The penis, mightier than the finger." Is the missing space between the two words (and the addition of a comma) a typographical error or an intended gimmick to attract attention? It is also likely that someone posted an edited version of the image on the Internet. We cannot independently verify the image's authenticity.
Other versions of the same hoarding erected in different countries do not carry the lewd messag e and instead say, "The pen is mightier than the finger." (via Reddit)

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