Sony has launched its latest smartphone with dual-SIM capability dubbed Xperia M2 and it is priced at Rs 21,990. The phone is available in three colours; White, Black and Purple. Sony Xperia M2 will be available from Friday, April 25.
The smartphone comes with a 4.8-inch qHD display with 540×960 pixel resolution. We would have ideally liked to see a 720p display at this price point. Under its hood lies a 1.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor which has been teamed up with 1GB RAM. The M2 will come with Android v4.3 (Jelly Bean) operating system out of the box, but there's no word about a KitKat upgrade.
The primary camera has 8MP resolution and comes with Sony's Exmor sensor and features like Autoscene Recognition and HDR mode. Sony has loaded the phone with camera apps such as Social live, Timeshift burst and Picture Effect. The phone has a VGA front camera, which should be just about enough for your selfies.
Connectivity features of the Xperia M2 include Bluetooth 4.0, USB 2.0, Micro USB, USB tethering, NFC, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Hotspot, GPS, GLONASS. Sony has given built-in storage space of 4GB. The storage space can be expanded up to 32GB using a microSD card for which a slot has been separately provided in the phone. Powering the phone is a 2300 mAh battery with a rated talktime of up to 14 hours and standby time of approximately 693 hours.
M2 smartphone, Sony Xperia M2, Sony Xperia M2 camera, Sony Xperia M2 display, Sony Xperia M2 price, Sony Xperia M2 smartphone, Xperia Smartphones
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