Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Google says Happy Earth Day through a doodle! - Hindustan Times

Google is celebrating Earth Day, which is marked to raise awareness for our planet's environment, through animated doodles featuring six creatures from the animal planet.

Earth Day was first held in 1970 and is now observed in over 192 countries each year, with activities being coordinated by the nonprofit Earth Day Network which is chaired by the first Earth Day coordinator Denis Hayes.

Here are a few facts about these animals:

The Rufous Hummingbird, which is the first to appear, is beautifully incorporated in the doodle. A couple of blooming flowers become the Os of Google as the Rufous hummingbird, which is known to attack flowers relentlessly, flaps its wings at the speed of light while devouring the nectar.

The Rufous Hummingbird makes one of the longest migratory journeys of any bird in the world, as measured by body size.


Next is a pair of sleeping Japanese Macaques sticking to each other for warmth in the falling snow as they make the Os of Google. They are also knowns as "snow monkeys" and inhabit three out of four main islands of Japan.


Then there is the bloated, rotating puffer fish which is known for its ability transform and enlarge its body in a split of a second. It also makes one of the Os of Google.

The puffer fish is one of the most poisonous creatures on Earth and is considered a major delicacy in Japan. When prepared correctly, the flesh of the fish gives a tingling sensation on the tongue because of a non-lethal dose of tetrodotoxin which is a potent neurotoxin and has no antidote.

However, anyone eating a badly made dish of puffer fish could completely be paralysed  and die.


The doodle also features a dung beetle, which can roll dung up to 50 times their weight, rolling a ball of animal manure.

They feed on faeces making them useful recyclers. Dung beetles can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They are currently the only insect known to navigate and orient themselves using the Milky Way!


Then comes a throbbing moon jellyfish forming an O of Google. It can grow up to 40cm in diameter, and is found in most of the world's oceans. Its sting is not fatal or dangerous to humans and it has no brain.


The final animal in the doodle is a veiled chameleon fading to reveal the Google background. It is one of the larger chameleons and is able to grow up to 60 cm in length. The chameleon is usually green, but can change its appearance depending on the animal's emotional state.


via Technology - Google News http://ift.tt/1harHzM


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