The German programmer who has taken responsibility for Heartbleed- an encryption bug affecting millions of passwords -said on Friday that he accidentally inserted the bug into open-source coding that he was trying to improve.
Robin Seggelmann, a German national now works for T-Systems, a unit of Deutsche Telekom AG, who have handed out advise on Computer Security.The Telekom recommends its customers to use virus protection and secure passwords and be careful when mails.
They advise :
* Current virus protection limits the risk of infection with malware.This protection is not missing in smartphones, especially with open operating systems like Android.
In addition, both the operating system of the PC and the software used is always up to date should be.
*Be careful with e-mails that ask for personal information or passwords.The danger here is that criminals wish to gain access.
*When suspicious messages not open attachments or click on the download links.It is always advisable to go directly to the website of the contractor and log on there.Not least, complex passwords are a good protection. The best one changes these passwords regularly.
*The secure password should not be recognized as a meaningful word.Simply select a easy for you to remember phrase and make the initial letter of a new word.You can complete the sentence by numbers and special characters.Example: My mother buys every Saturday 16 eggs on the market - § MMkjS16EadM!The lower limit for a secure password Experts recommend eight - random as possible - characters, but it can also be significantly longer.
The more complex and longer the password, the better.Because: Hacker test with programs systematically all the ways a password can be constructed.With each additional character, the number of necessary runs of such a computer program increases.
*Use different passwords for different approaches.
*Change important passwords at regular intervals in order to increase the protection against data theft. Recommendation: approximately every three months.
*Keep your passwords just to safe places on, to which only you have access.
The best place for this is of course your head.The worst is probably your browser.Rather, use a password safe software such as password safe, Keypass, lastpass or 1Password.Such software can also generate secure passwords.
*Remember, though, that you send many Web applications start or set-back passwords via e-mail.If an attacker takes over your e-mail account, it automatically has access to it.Therefore, protect also your e-mail Password particularly well and change passwords that you received by e-mail, getting it immediately.
*Be alert and check invoices exactly abnormalities and whether unauthorized amounts were debited from your account.
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