Monday, 17 March 2014

Forget April 11, Samsung's Galaxy S5 may land in certain markets on March 27 - TechnologyTell

Galaxy S5 March 27No matter if you're planning to commercially launch a product one week, one month or several months after an initial formal announcement, it's always a nice touch to reveal an ETA right off the bat. As long as you feel good about meeting the self-imposed deadline, because there's only one thing more annoying than uncertainty: delays.

Meanwhile, all the gratitude, appreciation and respect go to those that set a due date when unveiling a gadget, and "break" their promise, rolling out the device in question earlier than expected. Well, Samsung may just earn a gold star for timing before long, as the Galaxy S5 is apparently landing in Malaysia on… March 27.

That's two whole weeks prior to the date first broadcasted as GS5's D-Day in nearly 150 countries across the world: April 11. To be fair, Samsung never specified where exactly the flagship phone will arrive on April 11, so surprises were possible from day one.

Also, with Sony brewing an Xperia Z2 offense midway through next month, we kind of anticipated Sammy might retaliate. Finally, let's not get overly enthusiastic too early. The date isn't exactly set in stone, and even if it is, we're talking about a fairly small market here.

Unless this is but the first of several announcements. After all, if the S5 can swing by Malaysia early, it should be able to do the same in, say, Japan, Taiwan or China, right? Fingers crossed.

Via [G for Games]

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