Summary: In this catch-up edition Kevin and I cover the news from the past couple of weeks along with some initial MWC thoughts. Stay tuned for our MWC wrap-up next weekend.
It's been a few weeks filled with travel, snow, and illness, but Kevin and I are back chatting about mobile on MobileTechRoundup show #315. Just as MWC kicked off Samsung announced their new Gear 2 watches and next week we will talk about everything else announced at MWC. Show topics include:
- Samsung announces the Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo. Is this the MOTOACTV replacement we have been waiting for?
- Is Kevin's Google Now watch going to become a reality with LG?
- Kevin bought his own Google Glass with Bold frames
- Hands-on thoughts of the Toshiba Encore and Lenovo Miix 2
- Fitbit recalls the Force, Kevin is keeping his
- Nokia announces Lumia ICON, but just for Verizon
- The T-Mobile Z1s is nice, but the display still disappoints
Running time: 70 minutes
Listen here (MP3, 63MB)
About Matthew Miller
Matthew Miller started using a Pilot 1000 in 1997 and has been writing news, reviews, and opinion pieces ever since.
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