Mercedes-Benz India Limited has rolled out its 50,000th car from the Pune plant and has marked the event with the launch of the C-Class Grand Edition. The C-Class Grand Edition is available in both petrol and diesel variants and is priced at Rs 36.81 lakh and Rs 39.16 lakh, ex-Pune respectively.
Mercedes started their Indian operations in 1994 and for quite some time shared the 100 acres Pune plant with Tata Motors. In 2012 though, the company opened a new paint shop. MBIL assembles the C-Class, E-Class, ML and GL-Class here. The company also announced they will start S-Class assemblies soon.
Mercedes has given the Grand Edition an integrated navigation system, Bi-Xenon headlamps and AMG body kit. A tinted panoramic sunroof with one-touch function also outlines the Grand Edition. As far as safety features are concerned, there is ASR, ESP, BAS, Attention Assist, Agility Control and six airbags.
The C-Class Grand Edition is available in both petrol and diesel variants and is priced at Rs 36.81 lakh and Rs 39.16 lakh, ex-Pune respectively.
Powering the Mercedes-Benz C-Class Grand Edition are a 170PS/400Nm 2143cc 4-cylinder diesel and 186PS/285Nm petrol engines. Both the engines are fitted with Eco Start stop and are mated to a 7G-tronic autobox.
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