It has been the Decade's Debate. What first was the argument, who was the better programmer; Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, or Atari, things have changed dramatically and the battle bracket was narrowed. Which is better, the Playstation Series (Sony) or the Xbox Series (Microsoft).
When one wished to analyze a game system, many things must be taken into accommodation. These things include:
- Which has a better graphics display? Does the screen pixelate often? When in course of a game, do graphics lag in the load time?
- Is the hardrive easy to deal with? Can you store much regarding saves? Can you purchase more or less GB data savers?
- Is it affordable? Is it's capabilities as a game system worth the hard earned cash you wish to use towards exceptional entertainment?
- Is it comfortable? The controller device(s), is it/are they easy to handle? Do they break easily?
- Does it have a good reputation? Are the the only one who finds it enjoyable, over its competitor system?

Credit: YouTube
Such questions must be asked. No different than purchasing a vehicle, it also depends on personal taste. A car, it would determine on whether one rathers American made, Japanese, European, and so forth. To build that personal taste there must be experience involved. I have experience both the Xbox and the Playstation, more recently with the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. I found both very similar, but I noticed some differences as well, of course. Now, if you are deciding which side of the isle to step to, consider what I am about to say;
Are you looking to play a relaxed video game, as in you sit down, play a little, and move on with something else? Or do you sit down and get ready for some competition and are more eccentric gameplay?
I, personally, found the Playstation to be more of a relaxed environment. I felt that the Playstation was simple, easy to do with, and smooth when it came to gameplay. I felt much more of a person who wish to pick up the controller, play a few rounds of the new Battlefield or Call of Duty (as you can see me discuss in my new upcoming post), then return to whatever task I was doing before hand. The Xbox, however, I felt was more of a serious, zone-into, competitive system. I felt as though I was actually trying to do much better, statistics mattered a lot more, and that I was more hyped up to win, than I was to enjoy the game, as differently felt via the Playstation.
Both, personally, are extraordinary systems, and have come a long way. The Wii, well, there's no competition for last place, but if it came to relaxed, enjoyable game play, I would put the Playstation first. If it came to serious, competitive gaming, I would place the Xbox first. Perhaps things will change with the Xbox One and Playstation 4. Do you think so? Is it any different? Will I change my mind one them? Well, there's only one way to find out!
If you already tried both, send me what you think, and perhaps I will look into your opinions!
- Mark Butler (TheRealWhiteGuy)

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