-- Anick Jesdanun
CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA: Until I tried one, I never understood the appeal of e-book readers, given that tablets can do much more.
The e-reader's ease and comfort became apparent as I raced to finish the second "Hunger Games" book before the movie came out. I blew through several pages on a Kobo Aura while waiting for a sandwich in Cupertino, and a connecting flight in Charlotte, NC. The Aura, like the Kindle Paperwhite and the Nook GlowLight, was just the right size to hold while waiting in the aisle for passengers in front of me to stow their luggage.

via Technology - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEOUXTbrMIRFt5-JTq-wRgqNy7eEg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/personal-tech/gadgets-special/Review-Kindle-Paperwhite-vs-Kobo-Aura-vs-Nook-GlowLight/articleshow/27730781.cms

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