Android and Windows versions of the app can be expected next year.
Instagram has cult status now. But an app that gives similar filters for video has not yet made it big. But we suspect things could change with the launch of the new Spotliter app, created by US-based netomat.
The free app, available only on iOS for the moment, allows users to add filters to their videos and also highlight, or spotlight as they would like to call it, certain parts of the frame. There is a very good magnify filter which lets the user blow up any specific part of the frame. The size of the spot can easily be increased or reduced by pinching on the touch screen.
So, what was the inspiration behind the app? Netomat CEO and co-founder Kris Ramanathan says the goal was to make it easy for average, everyday users to create beautiful videos with professional looking effects. "The netomat team, in particular our Chief Scientist and Co-Founder Maciej Wisniewski, has been developing innovation in image and video processing and effects for several years now," says Kris, who has nearly a decade's experience building and delivering mobile products.
Device limitations meant the company's first offering was a cloud-based group video messaging and mash-up service called BLRR.TV. "When mobile devices improved, we built Jollyfy to create videos with personalized themes and overlays. The Jollyfy app is a hybrid offering as it has an iPhone app front end, but the processing of the videos and themes occurs in the cloud," explains Kris. But both the products had a problem, the user had to be online for them to work.
"Spotliter is the natural next step, to enable users to record videos with special effects and personalisation easily and instantly on the device. We strongly believed that users would want to be able to add effects selectively – and in real-time -- to highlight certain portions of their screen and were less interested in just applying a filter to the entire video. Maciej came up with touch-based effects as a natural and intuitive way to provide those capabilities since mobile consumers are now very familiar with using touchscreens," he explained in a email interview from the US.
... contd.
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