Apple today officially sent out invites for its Oct. 22 event, which will likely include the launch of next-gen iPads.
A number of consumers are likely in the market for a upgraded iPad. Perhaps you've held on to that iPad 2 and want to upgrade to a Retina display. Or the large screen on your iPad 3 is a bit too hefty for the morning commute and you want to downsize to the latest iPad mini. Maybe you want to make the switch from Android to iOS.
But what do you do with your old tablet? You could pass it on to the kids or a friend, or you could try to earn some cash for the gadget that you can put towards the purchase of a new one. Buy-back services like Gazelle and NextWorth are hoping you opt for the later, and both are pushing buyers to trade in now before prices drop in the post-announcement seller crush.
"In a week-over-week comparison, we've seen a 220 percent increase in iPad trade-in quotes from the week of Oct. 1 to the week of Oct. 8," Jeff Trachsel, CMO of NextWorth, said in a statement.
NextWorth released a chart (below) that charted average selling price decline in iPads last year after the 4th-gen iPad was announced. Moral of the story: Sell early to get the most bang for your buck.
Gazelle, meanwhile, reported a 312 percent increase in iPad trade-ins since Oct. 3, with the rush beginning after rumors about the Oct. 22 date started circulating a week ago.
"The brisk volume after only 14 days into the month, indicates that October will be Gazelle's biggest month for iPad trade-ins this year and possibly ever," the company said.
In an effort to attract potential trade-ins, Gazelle is sponsoring a sweepstakes that could land one lucky consumer a $1 million payout just for selling their device.
How Much Can You Get?
On both websites, you find your gadget and then answer a few questions about the current state of your tablet.
On NextWorth, a Wi-Fi 32GB iPad 3 can bring in $220, which you can receive via PayPal or check in the mail, or as a Target gift card. If you're hoping to upgrade to a Retina iPad mini, the original (4G 32GB for AT&T) can bring in $245.
On Gazelle, the same iPad 3 is going for $210 in "good" condition or $240 in "flawless" condition. That 4G, 32GB iPad mini can bring in $225 in "good" condition or $240 in "flawless" condition.
You'll have to fiddle with both sites to find out exactly how much your gadget is worth. Gazelle and NextWorth will pay for you to ship them the device, and after evaluating it, will provide payment.
Apple has a similar program via its own Reuse and Reycle website. The above-mentioned iPad 3 is running $216 on the site now and the iPad mini is at $231. If it's engraved, you'll probably get about $30 less.
If you're looking to ditch iOS, meanwhile, Microsoft is running a promotion until Oct. 27 that will give you $200 if you trade in your iPad at a nearby Microsoft Store. You can use those funds toward the purchase of a Surface tablet or any other Microsoft product. Redmond's next-gen Surface 2 tablet actually makes its debut on Oct. 22, the same day as Apple's iPad event.
For more, check out Where to Sell Your iPhone for the Highest Price.

via Technology - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNENlkd9prVLLYZ0R4c7FQkTkUn6cg&url=http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2425815,00.asp

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