Celebs don't make brands
Reviewer: Prathap Suthan
Prathap Suthan
What did you think of the ad?
For all the hype, a let-down. I was hoping for the next Indian big thing, but, at best, a generic look at what phablets do—a meek stance. Of course, a celebrity can only play out the script. But I am assuming the script was written to fit Jackman's time. Considering the special effects of X-Men, this film is a bit of a whimper. I have seen better special effects years ago.
Does this strategy of a Hollywood actor work?
To wrench people away from leadership brands, it will take more than a global celeb juggling lives. The higher end of the Indian market is brand conscious and will see through tactical wool. The younger lot will sway. They are disloyal and experimental. Now, does this work globally? The fit is fine. It's bold, promising, and even brazen. But for a brand with no reputed tech backbone, the global market is thin ice. Worse, popular perception and talk is that Micromax, like many other domestic players, imports and retails Chinese products. Without tech pedigree, status and leadership in global telecom, the world will ask serious questions.
What are some of the factors that emerging market brands have to keep in mind while going global?
Brands aren't made with celebs. You could have the greatest of celebs endorsing you. But falter on product quality, and you are Swiss cheese. In fact, even Jackman's credibility will be called into question. One bad product, and international critique will be savage. When you have Jackman in your ad, expectation will rise. Deliver even at par, and claws are coming to maul you. The product will have to be so spectacular and create a new benchmark. Rising in a world dominated by Korean, American, European, and Japanese phones is a huge task. The good thing for customers is that this move requires Micromax to up their quality. I am sure they know that, and systems are in place. Also, celeb advertising destroys inferior products and brands faster than rumours.
Which Indian brand has managed to do a good job of creating a global brand?
Tata, Infosys, Wipro, Taj and Airtel, etc., have all done it on the back of excellence, not celebrities. They have continued to grow in a tough world by exceeding and over-delivering. The world is not waiting for Indian brands. We have to yank market and mind share. That's possible only with the pride of quality.

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