Created: 10/22/2013
Video description: Apple's Craig Federighi shows off the company's latest operating system, Mavericks. The new OS includes enhanced notifications, new messaging features, and updates to Safari.Talk about OS-X so the team has been hard at work for on the latest release of OS-X. Our ten release. In the history of OS-X and this one is a doozy. We really focused on three major areas in OS-X -- core technologies. To fundamentally accelerate the performance of your map. Some features that smooth the Mac experience. And some great new apps right let's take a look here at mavericks and of course. The Mac has no equal when it comes to a tool for getting projects done little work on -- project right here and open up pages. And open up a document for a mission to Mars. And what's really great known mavericks is that also have access right here on my Mac. To iBooks. Sign my book library here I can open one of my books this is -- area textbook on Mars. Because she -- beautiful interactive textbooks. I can just use multi touch gestures. To move between -- up pages of a chapter. Just like this course that these great interactive's there's a video here I can play. It. -- -- It's really really nice to great way to learn but it's also a great way. To work it's much easier to organize my content is well with tax. CC -- the content my documents folder it's a lot in here but have been able to categorize them by topic -- tax. So I wanna see -- my content related to Mars -- access it right here. So dragon image out that -- add to my document. Just like this that looks pretty good and tagging your own documents really easy as well -- can just click -- on the title bar. And -- attacked -- tickets select from any tags have already created like Mars. And I can also tag a single document with -- multiple -- this one also to do with school a tag just like that. And you'll notice it appears here under Mars. As well as under school. Now mavericks is also really great for keeping track of what's going on even when I'm working so for instance -- the notification comes in. Like this. -- -- -- yep I can actually respond right here to my wife. Let's -- Okay well let's see. Phil is minded fashion. Guru. Respond right then -- -- really convenient. Now we support a new kind of notification to mavericks as well which is website notifications. I signed up for particular site I can see notification like this you -- -- Major League Baseball sent -- notification. Zoom back out here. You can see I -- story right here can read it like this. -- have another notification from mom oh web site this one for an item -- following on guilt. Get a notifications available that looks really like just what I need I can buy it right now and what's great is -- I cloud key chain and -- my -- to sync across all my devices. Second log right in without having to remember type my password while we're here in safari. Let's take a look at our great new top site's new and on the left here you see shared links second click two of you an article. I here's a nice one about Apple's new campus. I for one look forward to working in outer space. So I can gesture back right to my list. And do searches to for instance I can search for stories shared -- have Mars and that I can click in like this. What a great new reader view as well looks really nice and as I scroll through the articles with -- accelerated scrolling. I can go right -- the -- -- one article right into the next just continuously it's really just a fantastic way. To read. As you can imagine this is -- a good time for another notification. I here's one right here for my friend Nina who's just in town and does she wants to apparently meet and it's a -- tower. Now would data detectors can actually just click on this and get a few -- the timing appointment what's great is when I go into our great -- calender out. You notice it's also extracted the location. Even show -- a map of that location and the weather expected for that time. And because calendars completely location -- where it also knows -- my previous appointment is and it can actually let me know how long it'll take to travel. From one spot to the other. I can drive or walk looks like it's gonna be a nice day so -- and walk. You notice it marks out the travel time right here on my calendar -- it has to be alerted on my phone and computer when I need to leave. I'm just gonna click right into this map be taken into -- great maps app. It's of course we have multi touch gestures we see quick tower here right on zoom I can hand the map around like this. And we have. Satellite view. With of course fly over and it just looks gorgeous looking into the city here you can see the root that I can travel up to -- tower. And when I'm ready to go well can just go right up here to the share menu. And send it to my iPhone where it appears -- my lock screen and swipe right in the turn by turn directions from my root so that's. A quick demo. Of mavericks. That's in Africa it's a fantastic release that extend your battery life. It's more out of your memory accelerate your graphics has great features across the system and some really -- -- -- But you know for those of us that work on mavericks what's most important to us is -- the software in the hands of as many Mac users as possible. We want to get them all the latest technologies. The most innovative features. And the kind of robust security it's only possible through -- for structural enhancements. -- in the last for the last several years we've been on a mission. We've re engineer our development process so we can put out regular. Major releases. That -- -- your Mac all the time and we've reinvented and reinvented the way we distribute. OS-X so now upgrading your OS is as easy as downloading an app from the Mac App Store. Today. We're going to revolutionize. Pricing. Because the days -- spending hundred s of dollars to get the most out of your computer. Are gone. Today we announced a new arrow for the Mac because today we're announcing that mavericks. Is free. And so. We're doing free and not a small way whether you have our latest release Mountain Lion. Or even if you never upgraded your still running lion or if you're complete laggard and your still back on snow leopard. In a single step update. You can get to mavericks. And we wanted this to run on as many Macs as possible. So whether you have a Mac -- introduced in 2009. Or even an iMac introduced way back in 2007. You're entitled to mavericks. And again it's available for free. And the best. -- available. -- -- --
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