Friday, 12 April 2013

Facebook Chat Heads available for Android smartphones, combines text and ... - ZDNet

Summary: Facebook Home is going to be available soon on select Android phones, but nearly everyone with an Android phone can now install or update the Facebook Messenger application and have fun with Chat Heads.

Facebook Chat Heads available for Android smartphones, combines text and messaging

I am planning to post a screenshot gallery of Facebook Home on my Galaxy Note II since it is one of the select supported devices, but the application is not yet available. In the meantime, I recommend Android smartphone owners try out the updated version of Facebook Messenger (Google Play link) that gives you Chat Heads and integrated text messaging capability.< /p>

Chat Heads sounds like a dumb name, but in use I am actually really enjoying the experience. You can toggle Chat Heads on or off from within the Facebook Messenger application so you have full control over whether or not it appears on your screen. When you receive a Facebook Message from someone, their profile pic appears and then you can tap on it to interact with them.


I've never been a fan of the default text messaging clients on Android phones and have always installed Handcent SMS. With this new Facebook Messenger client, and Facebook Home, you can make Messenger your default SMS/MMS client too. It works much like iMessage on the iPhone, even with blue color for Facebook Messages and green for text messages.

I love the way you can simply tap on a Chat Head photo and jump between conversations you are having with multiple people. I rarely used Facebook Messenger before, but with Chat Heads support I may be using it more and will definitely be using it for text messaging.

Related ZDNet Facebook Home coverage

Topics: Mobility, Android, Smartphones


Matthew Miller started using a Pilot 1000 in 1997 and has been writing news, reviews, and opinion pieces ever since.

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