Friday, 29 March 2013

Google Nexus 7 vs ipad mini vs Galaxy Tab 2 - Zee News

Google Nexus 7 vs ipad mini vs Galaxy Tab 2ZRG/ Delhi

Google's launch of the Nexus 7 tablet in India and its aggressive pricing at Rs 15, 999 for the 16 GB version has heated up the tablet market. The Nexus 7 will vie for tablet pie where rivals Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and Apple's ipad mini have registered a strong market presence along with a host of cheaper variants by desi companies.

Zee Research Group takes the opportunity to look at how the three devices stack up in competition with each other.

Exhibit 1: While the jury is still out there, our analysis suggests that the Nexus 7 may trump its rival in superior screen resolution and processor. Its freely available Android platform (considering it is backed by Google itself) further enhances its advantages vis-a-vis Apple's iPad mini. But the Nexus 7 fails in providing superior picture and video experience vis-a-vis iPad mini and Samsung Tab 2 3100. While no tablet can provide complete satisfaction in this fast ever-changing world of technology, it is ultimately up to the user what it wants.

Exhibit 2: What bloggers have to say about the three tabs? While die-hard Apple fans will never give up on iPad mini, Google is rising steadily and overcoming odds (that's what at least bloggers seem to suggest).

Techulator – Apple has priced its iPad Mini way too higher, especially when we consider the price of Google Nexus 7, which is only $ 200. iPad is certainly not the best budget friendly tablet at all. The only edge that Apple has over Google is its Apple App store, which has more and innovative apps than the Google Play Store. Still it is hard to say which one is better. It is more of a personal preference than a final decision. Google Nexus 7 is strong on the budget considerations whereas Apple iPad Mini is better when app store is considered.

Tekdig – After comparing the tech specs, price and features of both the tablets I think that Google Nexus 7 is better than iPad mini even Nexus 7 is affordable compared to iPad mini. So go with Nexus 7.

MacWorld – Which tablet will best enable me to read, watch, write, play, and organize myself as much as I want and need to? The answer to that question, again, is closer than it would've been two years ago. Apple's App Store offers 800,000 apps; Google Play has 700,000. (Though that may undersell the disparity: Apple boasts 300,000 iPad apps; Google won`t say how many tablet-optimized apps are available in Android.) In truth, you can find most of the best apps that I use on both platforms. That difference is narrowing all the time.But for me, the iPad mini ultimately wins on this issue—and thus wins my purchase. Ironically, Google's legendary "openness" makes it easier for me to chose a "closed" system that Apple provides. – Despite the apparent lack of 3G variant right now, Nexus 7 is a great tablet for those of you who want to remain on the latest Android version and get some impressive internals at a decent price. The lack of internal storage might be an issue for some consumers, but apart from that, we don't see any problems with Nexus 7. It is also being sold at about INR 6K less than the Apple iPad Mini 16GB Wi-Fi only version, which apart from the bigger content/app ecosystem (lack of Music, Movies from Indian Google Play being the reason) and presence of rear camera, does not really offer any other positives. Samsung, which has just stated updating the 3G Galaxy Tab 2 310 to Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean, does offer some competition in terms of pricing, but that is because of the comparably lower specifications of the device.

Gadgetgestures – Although Apple is a major brand in the world of technology, Google clearly defies the odds with its recent venture, the Nexus 7. Reasonably priced in comparison with iPad mini, Nexus 7 also holds an advantage when it comes to performance. Its high resolution display makes it an ideal option for people who wish to have a smaller tablet delivering high quality at a rational cost.

First Published: 3/29/2013 1:42:56 PM

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