Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Apple's Indian expansion includes opening 200 stores, ad blitz already started - Northern Voices Online

This seems that Cupertino based company is in a hurry to expand its operations here. Apple's Indian expansion plans includes opening 200 stores and ad blitz has already started

So far Apple didn't take India seriously as a market for its products. But that was till a few months ago and now the country is on its priority list. If you open your television and watch any leading news channel you will find so many iPhone 5 ads that you may believe you were not in India, but in US or Canada. Most of these ads, actually, are meant for the US market as the accent and the contents are arguably the same and are not specially made for the Indian market. Nonetheless for the middle class Indian families who eat, drink and sleep English, that is actually a bit pleasant surprise. For many of them don't feel very comfortable with Hindi.

The manufacturers of highest selling smart-phones and tablets iPhone, iPad Mini and iPad, Apple seems to have woken to the importance of the Indian market. It has seen Korean tech giant Samsung's graph go up and up in the Indian market. Samsung a few months ago had announced that it had sold as many as a million Galaxy S line of its smart-phones here.

Reports suggest that Apple made India one of priority markets following Apple's top executive Hugeues Asseman's advice who visited India recently and was impressed by the Indian market and its resilience. He was further impressed upon by local franchisees who insisted that Apple take India seriously and expand its footprints across the country. Apple founder was never excited by Indian market or the prospects of success for its products. He never took Indian market seriously and never tried to expand its network. India was among the last market to receive Apple products. Bu the development in recent months including the surging sales of iPhones and iPads here, combined with the growing inroads of Samsung in its traditional US market and elsewhere, Apple has been forced to take a relook at the importance of the market and plan an expansion here.

A report in CNet while talking about Apple taking India seriously says, "Apple's India push comes as the company tries to make a bigger dent in a country that could prove to be an important battleground in the coming years. Apple CEO Tim Cook has acknowledged his company's difficulties gaining market share in India — it accounted for just a single-digit percentage of handset sales in the country last year — and blamed most of it on the complex process of actually distributing products to India. That process adds extra costs the company must account for".  But now things are set to change pretty fast and Apple knows that it can sell its products in India in millions and actually make substantial profit here.

via Technology - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFaXWRLcvHUxlIdBopx4_0M8fSJjA&url=http://nvonews.com/2013/03/27/apples-indian-expansion-includes-opening-200-stores-ad-blitz-already-started/

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