Sunday, 3 February 2013

BlackBerry 10 and the Z10 (MobileTechRoundup show #289) - ZDNet

Summary: This week was devoted to BlackBerry and after Kevin and I both attended the New York launch event we came away with LOTS to talk about.

motr-logo1(Credit: ZDNet)

There was really only one major focus of mobile news last week, which appears to have been perfect timing for RIM BlackBerry. Kevin and I were at the BB10 launch event in New York and weren't sure if we could fill an hour with one topic. However, as you can hear in MobileTechRoundup show #289 we even went a bit long covering details of the new OS and the BlackBerry Z10 hardware. 

Running time: 68:40 minutes

Listen here (MP3, 42.6MB)

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Topics: Mobility, RIM, Smartphones


Matthew Miller started using a Pilot 1000 in 1997 and has been writing news, reviews, and opinion pieces ever since.

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